1. Applicability Of CPC in PA suits (On 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
2. Appoitment of Rent Authority, Rent Court & Rent Tribunal Under Uttarakhand Tenancy Act, 2021 (By Mr. Ashok Kumar on 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
3. BAR OF COGNIZANCE BY SMALL CAUSES COURT (By Mr. Ravi Shankar Mishra on 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
4. DEEMED VACANCY (By Ms. Beenu Gulyani on 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
5. Definition of building (By Ms. Simranjit Kaur on 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
6. Definition of Family (On 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
7. Deposition of Rent under Rule 5 of Order 15 CPC is mandatory or discretionary (By Ms. Shachi Sharma on 21.06.2023 & 22.06.2023)
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