Download complete journal UJALA: JUDICIAL AND LEGAL REVIEW
PageUJALA : A Profile i - v
Editorial by Editor-in-Chief Hon'ble Mr Justice Sharad Sharma ix-x
1. Kill the fear before fear kills the work culture in the Judicial Administration at its threshold in India 1-14
Dr. Gyanendra Kumar & Prinita Vashishtha
2. Remedy against Acquittal under Section 138 Negotiable Instrument Act 15-21
Ajay Chaudhary
3. Political Morality within the Bounds of an Evolving Law 22-26
Mahesh Chandra Kaushiwa
4. Prison System in INdia dna Protection of Human Rights of Prisoners 27-65
Ritesh Kumar Srivastava
5. The Problem of Drug A buse and NDPs Act 1985 : An Overview (with special Reference to Procedural Aspects) 66-82
Harsh Yadav
6. Domistic Violence Law : Overview and Implementation 83-96
Beenu Gulyani, Anmakia Singh & Kapil Tyagi
7. Lok Adalats : An Alternative mode of Dispute Resolution outside the Established Court System, A View 97-101
Shikha Bhandari
8. Role of Indian Judiciary in Protection of Environment In India 102-106
Rohit Joshi
9. Shield Laws in India 107-115
Neelabh Kumar Bist
10. Decriminalization of Attempty to Suicide : A New Approach 116-129
Hakim Rai
11. Right to Information on the Internet 130-142
Pooja Tiwari & Devika Tiwari
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