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Library About


Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital.

Thomas Jefferson

Mission:  The mission of Uttarakhand Judicial and Legal Academy’s library is to support the information, research and curricular needs of its faculty and trainees/participants by providing a comprehensive and diverse collection of legal information materials.

About:  The library – the treasure house of eminent books and periodicals – is the centre of intellectual activities in the Academy.  The library of Uttarakhand Judicial and Legal Academy was inaugurated on 26 June’ 2011 by Hon’ble Chief Justice Sri Barin Ghosh in presence of Hon’ble Judges of High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital.

The Library is spread over 4500 sq ft. and stacks more than 20,000 volumes of books, available in open access in subjects ranging from Law, Science and Technology, Economics, History, Sociology, Literature etc.  The library subscribes to more than 75 periodicals in print.  Besides, the library has 7000 bound volumes of journals.  Library is also equipped with e-resources access facility. In order to keep pace with the current trends of access to information resources through tools of Information Technology, the Library of UJALA has acquired all major Indian electronic legal-data resources like All India Reporter SCC online, Manupatra etc, which are available on both stand alone and online mode.

The library services have been automated with the web based Library Management Software KOHA.  

The on-line public access catalogue (OPAC) can be  accessed on local server at 







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