Participation in queries and discussion forum
The judges of the subordinate court of the State of Uttarakhand can discuss their problems in this forum. They will have to send their legal queries/problem to through their official mail ( or other functional email account after getting the same registered with UJALA. The queries/problem will be endeavoured to be solved by the faculty of UJALA with the help of resources of the UJALA library or in consultation with experienced judges of the subordinate courts. The senior Judges of the subordinate courts are requested to assist the academy in addressing the queries/problems with their valuable suggestions which can be posted by the academy in response to the queries/problems posted to the academy The queries and the problem should be posted well in advance for the academy to work upon it. Please note that the academy will try to find the most probable solution for the legal query/problem and if found appropriate, response in form of suggestions will be posted. However, the suggestion must not be taken to be the absolute answer of the query/problem. The person putting up the query will have to draw his/her own conclusions. PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE QUERIES ARE STRICTLY LEGAL IN NATURE AND NO PERSONAL PROBLEM/QUERY OR A PROBLEM/QUERY OF FUNCTIONAL OR BEHAVIOURAL NATURE BE POSTED. |
Highcourt Judgment Information System
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